Best used loan packages that perfectly would match your financial needs.
Cheapest car loan rates in Singapore from our 13 bank partners.
Prompt submission of used car loan applications.
Verification of seller’s car ownership and outstanding balance to the bank (if any).
Car sellers are assured that their buyer’s car financing is taken care by our finance specialists, thus will help avoid any unnecessary delays on the selling process.
Our fastest approval time is within one working day (provided that all requirements and details were given accordingly.) This would help dramatically by reducing the potential fluctuations which may affect the selling price should the loan be rejected.
We will act as a third party to assure the car seller that the car buyer’s loan have been approved, thus the car seller is assured the car buyer is genuine & have the capacity to buy his car.
We will help you complete all your vehicle and finance transactions – From car loan application, full settlement of the vehicle, insurance & transfer of ownership.